1 (function (callback) {
  2   if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
  3     define(['core/AbstractWidget'], callback);
  4   }
  5   else {
  6     callback();
  7   }
  8 }(function () {
 10 /**
 11  * Offers an interface to the local parameters used by the Spatial Solr plugin.
 12  *
 13  * @see http://www.jteam.nl/news/spatialsolr
 14  *
 15  * @class AbstractSpatialWidget
 16  * @augments AjaxSolr.AbstractWidget
 17  */
 18 AjaxSolr.AbstractSpatialWidget = AjaxSolr.AbstractWidget.extend(
 19   /** @lends AjaxSolr.AbstractSpatialWidget.prototype */
 20   {
 21   /**
 22    * Sets the Spatial Solr local parameters.
 23    *
 24    * @param {Object} params The local parameters to set.
 25    * @param {Number} params.lat Latitude of the center of the search area.
 26    * @param {Number} params.lng Longitude of the center of the search area.
 27    * @param {Number} params.radius Radius of the search area.
 28    * @param {String} [params.unit] Unit the distances should be calculated in:
 29    *   "km" or "miles".
 30    * @param {String} [params.calc] <tt>GeoDistanceCalculator</tt> that will be
 31    *   used to calculate the distances. "arc" for
 32    *   <tt>ArchGeoDistanceCalculator</tt> and "plane" for
 33    *   <tt>PlaneGeoDistanceCalculator</tt>.
 34    * @param {Number} [params.threadCount] Number of threads that will be used
 35    *   by the <tt>ThreadedDistanceFilter</tt>.
 36    */
 37   set: function (params) {
 38     this.manager.store.get('q').local('type', 'spatial');
 39     this.manager.store.get('q').local('lat', params.lat);
 40     this.manager.store.get('q').local('long', params.lng);
 41     this.manager.store.get('q').local('radius', params.radius);
 42     if (params.unit !== undefined) {
 43       this.manager.store.get('q').local('unit', params.unit);
 44     }
 45     if (params.calc !== undefined) {
 46       this.manager.store.get('q').local('calc', params.calc);
 47     }
 48     if (params.threadCount !== undefined) {
 49       this.manager.store.get('q').local('threadCount', params.threadCount);
 50     }
 51   },
 53   /**
 54    * Removes the Spatial Solr local parameters.
 55    */
 56   clear: function () {
 57     this.manager.store.get('q').remove('type');
 58     this.manager.store.get('q').remove('lat');
 59     this.manager.store.get('q').remove('long');
 60     this.manager.store.get('q').remove('radius');
 61     this.manager.store.get('q').remove('unit');
 62     this.manager.store.get('q').remove('calc');
 63     this.manager.store.get('q').remove('threadCount');
 64   }
 65 });
 67 }));