1 (function (callback) {
  2   if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
  3     define(['core/ParameterStore'], callback);
  4   }
  5   else {
  6     callback();
  7   }
  8 }(function () {
 10 /**
 11  * A parameter store that stores the values of exposed parameters in the URL
 12  * hash to maintain the application's state.
 13  *
 14  * <p>The ParameterHashStore observes the hash for changes and loads Solr
 15  * parameters from the hash if it observes a change or if the hash is empty.
 16  * The onhashchange event is used if the browser supports it.</p>
 17  *
 18  * <p>Configure the manager with:</p>
 19  *
 20  * @class ParameterHashStore
 21  * @augments AjaxSolr.ParameterStore
 22  * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/window.onhashchange
 23  */
 24 AjaxSolr.ParameterHashStore = AjaxSolr.ParameterStore.extend(
 25   /** @lends AjaxSolr.ParameterHashStore.prototype */
 26   {
 27   /**
 28    * @param {Object} [attributes]
 29    * @param {Number} [attributes.interval] The interval in milliseconds to use
 30    *   in <tt>setInterval()</tt>. Do not set the interval too low as you may set
 31    *   up a race condition. Defaults to 250.
 32    */
 33   constructor: function (attributes) {
 34     AjaxSolr.extend(this, {
 35       interval: 250,
 36       // Reference to the setInterval() function.
 37       intervalId: null,
 38       // A local copy of the URL hash, so we can detect changes to it.
 39       hash: ''
 40     }, attributes);
 41   },
 43   /**
 44    * If loading and saving the hash take longer than <tt>interval</tt>, we'll
 45    * hit a race condition. However, this should never happen.
 46    */
 47   init: function () {
 48     if (this.exposed.length) {
 49       // Check if the browser supports the onhashchange event. IE 8 and 9 in compatibility mode
 50       // incorrectly report support for onhashchange.
 51       if ('onhashchange' in window && (!document.documentMode || document.documentMode > 7)) {
 52         if (window.addEventListener) {
 53           window.addEventListener('hashchange', this.intervalFunction(this), false);
 54         }
 55         else if (window.attachEvent) {
 56           window.attachEvent('onhashchange', this.intervalFunction(this));
 57         }
 58         else {
 59           window.onhashchange = this.intervalFunction(this);
 60         }
 61       }
 62       else {
 63         this.intervalId = window.setInterval(this.intervalFunction(this), this.interval);
 64       }
 65     }
 66   },
 68   /**
 69    * Stores the values of the exposed parameters in both the local hash and the
 70    * URL hash. No other code should be made to change these two values.
 71    */
 72   save: function () {
 73     this.hash = this.exposedString();
 74     if (this.storedString()) {
 75       // Make a new history entry.
 76       window.location.hash = this.hash;
 77     }
 78     else {
 79       // Replace the old history entry.
 80       window.location.replace(window.location.href.replace('#', '') + '#' + this.hash);
 81     }
 82   },
 84   /**
 85    * @see ParameterStore#storedString()
 86    */
 87   storedString: function () {
 88     // Some browsers automatically unescape characters in the hash, others
 89     // don't. Fortunately, all leave window.location.href alone. So, use that.
 90     var index = window.location.href.indexOf('#');
 91     if (index == -1) {
 92       return '';
 93     }
 94     else {
 95       return window.location.href.substr(index + 1);
 96     }
 97   },
 99   /**
100    * Checks the hash for changes, and loads Solr parameters from the hash and
101    * sends a request to Solr if it observes a change or if the hash is empty
102    */
103   intervalFunction: function (self) {
104     return function () {
105       // Support the back/forward buttons. If the hash changes, do a request.
106       var hash = self.storedString();
107       if (self.hash != hash && decodeURIComponent(self.hash) != decodeURIComponent(hash)) {
108         self.load();
109         self.manager.doRequest();
110       }
111     }
112   }
113 });
115 }));