1 /**
  2  * A parameter store that stores the values of exposed parameters using the YUI
  3  * History Manager to maintain the application's state. Don't forget to add the
  4  * following inside your <tt>head</tt> tag:
  5  *
  6  * <pre>
  7  * <script src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.9.0/build/yahoo/yahoo-min.js"></script>
  8  * <script src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.9.0/build/event/event-min.js"></script>
  9  * <script src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.9.0/build/history/history-min.js"></script>
 10  * </pre>
 11  *
 12  * And the following inside your <tt>body</tt> tag:
 13  *
 14  * <pre>
 15  * <iframe id="yui-history-iframe" src="path-to-existing-asset" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:1px;height:1px;visibility:hidden"></iframe>
 16  * <input id="yui-history-field" type="hidden">
 17  * </pre>
 18  *
 19  * Configure the manager with:
 20  *
 21  * <pre>
 22  * Manager.setStore(new AjaxSolr.ParameterYUIStore());
 23  * </pre>
 24  *
 25  * @see http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/history/
 26  * @class ParameterYUIStore
 27  * @augments AjaxSolr.ParameterStore
 28  */
 29 AjaxSolr.ParameterYUIStore = AjaxSolr.ParameterStore.extend(
 30   /** @lends AjaxSolr.ParameterYUIStore.prototype */
 31   {
 32   /**
 33    * @param {Object} [attributes]
 34    * @param {String} [attributes.module] The name of the YUI History Manager
 35    *   module to use for the parameter store. Defaults to "q".
 36    * 
 37    */
 38   constructor: function (attributes) {
 39     AjaxSolr.extend(this, {
 40       module: 'q',
 41       // Whether the YUI History Manager is initialized.
 42       initialized: false,
 43       // Whether the parameter store is curring loading state.
 44       loading: false,
 45       // Whether the parameter store is curring saving state.
 46       saving: false
 47     }, attributes);
 48   },
 50   /**
 51    * Initializes the YUI History Manager.
 52    */
 53   init: function () {
 54     if (this.exposed.length) {
 55       var self = this;
 56       YAHOO.util.History.register(this.module, YAHOO.util.History.getBookmarkedState(this.module) || this.exposedString(), function () {
 57         if (!self.saving) {
 58           self.loading = true;
 59           self.load();
 60           self.manager.doRequest();
 61           self.loading = false;
 62         }
 63       });
 64       YAHOO.util.History.onReady(function () {
 65         self.initialized = true;
 66         self.load();
 67         self.manager.doRequest();
 68       });
 69       YAHOO.util.History.initialize('yui-history-field', 'yui-history-iframe');
 70     }
 71   },
 73   /**
 74    * Stores the values of the exposed parameters in the YUI History Manager.
 75    */
 76   save: function () {
 77     if (!self.loading) {
 78       this.saving = true;
 79       YAHOO.util.History.navigate(this.module, this.exposedString());
 80       this.saving = false;
 81     }
 82   },
 84   /**
 85    * @see ParameterStore#storedString()
 86    */
 87   storedString: function () {
 88     return this.initialized ? YAHOO.util.History.getCurrentState(this.module) : this.exposedString();
 89   }
 90 });